Services and Products

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Services and Products  

We play a vital role in fostering telehealth innovation, driving technological advancements, and improving access to healthcare by offering the following services:

Technology: eHealth Platform

Our adaptable AI assisted telehealth solution combines telehealth software, hardware, and medical devices, empowering healthcare.

Blockchain Electronic Medical Records (EMR)* 

Blockchain Electronic Medical Records (EMR) represent a groundbreaking advancement in healthcare technology.


MDRM has developed a telemedicine educational initiative. Leveraging our proficiency in workflow, case presentation, and physician scheduling


Our global team of specialists excels in crafting telehealth solutions that cater to distinct needs, considering cultural sensitivity.

Access to Global Specialist for Second Opinions 

A thorough re-evaluation of a patient's medical condition is conducted by highly specialized clinicians with expertise in specific subfields.

Mentorship and Support

We provide ongoing support and guidance to the leadership teams in our portfolio. We offer advice, share our experiences, and help telehealth.